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Ballpen Barrel

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Water Tank: 16ft long stainless steel for cooling the barrel, vacuum chamber of 7" x 12" for sizing of pen barrel fitted with 1HPV Vacuum Pump with brass sizer for size Accuracy storage tank for complete circulation of chilled water with inlet & outlet system is provided for cooling, three movable guide rollers provided for centering of the Ballpen Barrel.
Hallauf: Designed to pull the ball pen Barrel in smooth operation without any jerks thus giving complete accuracy on the diameter and inner diameter of Ball Pen Barrel without any variation in size. The Caterpiller unit is driven by 1HP AC motor with Gearbox and AC Drive Rubber belts are provided for firm gripping of Ball Pen Barrel Geared Motor as per new specification (Servo Motor Optional)

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Ballpen Barrel, Barrel Bushing, Barrier Screw, Energy Transfer Screw, Extruder Screw, Extrusion Die Parts, Extrusion Machinery Screw, Extrusion Parts, Extrusion Plants Screw, Extrusion Screws, Farrel Corp, Feed Block, Grooved Block, Homogenizer Screws, Maplan, Mirr Injection Moulding Machine Ring Plunger Set, Plastic Extrusion Screw, Products, Refill Extrusion Machine, Reprocessing Extruder Machine, Screw Barrel, Screw For Plastic, Screws And Barrels, Spiral R Screw, Spiral Type Extruder Dies, Spirex Pulsar Line Screw, T Melt Screw, Tungsten Carbide Coatings, Variable Clearance Barrier Screws, Westland Corp, Extruder Screw Barrel, Injection Molding Screw Barrel, Rubber Extruders Screw Barrel, Food Processing Screw Barrel, Ring Plungers, Nozzle And Nozzle Housings, Cylinder And Pistons, Pen Extrusion Machine